I'm a freelance copyeditor. I have years of editing experience from my full-time work at CSIS, and as a part-time copyeditor for Rethink Priorities. In the latter role, I copyedit publications focused global health and development, animal welfare, artificial intelligence, and climate change.
My rate is $50/hour, and I can typically review 6-9 pages per hour. I am most familiar with APA and Chicago style guides, but can support alternative formats. Please email me at for any requests.
My portfolio includes the following publications:
Mapping Technical Safety Research at AI Companies (Sept 2024)
The Charitable Resource Allocation Frameworks and Tools (CRAFT) Sequence (July 2024)
Coordinated Disclosure of Dual-Use Capabilities: An Early Warning System for Advanced AI (June 2024)
I've also reviewed a few grant investigation reports by Founders Pledge:
Against Asteroid Bombardment Worries: Assessing the Risks of Dual-Use SSSB Deflection (in development)
Call me, maybe? Hotlines and global catastrophic risk report (January 2023)
Autonomous weapon systems and military artificial intelligence (AI) applications report (May 2022)