Hello! I'm Shaan Shaikh. I'm a fellow at CSIS's International Security Program, where I conduct research on missiles, air defense, nuclear weapons, and emerging technologies. I'm also a part-time copyeditor for Rethink Priorities. I have an MA from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) and a BA from Tufts University, with both degrees in international relations.

I hope to center my career around developing, fueling, and implementing good public policy, through think tanks, philanthropy, government, or otherwise. My experience thus far focuses on defense policy, but I'm interested in supporting any public policy field, from transportation to law enforcement to global health. So long as I stay within the national security field, I will work on research, events, and outreach that aims to reduce the risks and consequences of war, enable conditions for more effective U.S. and allied defense spending, and inform policymakers and the general public on my areas of specialty.

My eventual goal is to lead an effective think tank like RAND or grantmaking institution like Open Philanthropy. In general, I seek to make positive, lasting impact wherever I go, fi sabilillah.

My non-work hobbies include Islamic studies, weightlifting & yoga, reading, and "rotting" with my wife, Nadia.

See more on: LinkedIn, Twitter, GitHub (in development), CV, EA Forum

About this site

I started this blog in January 2023 as part of a New Year's resolution to write more. I plan to focus my writings on research, think tanks, and public policy. Every post is a work in progress, so I'll continue to edit them as I see fit.